11/01/2011 15:56

 Prior proper performance is what prevents poor performance Prov 16:1

·         How well prepared you are determines what happens to you in this year

·         What becomes of you in these declaration is a function of your level of preparation

·         What God says is sure, its manifestation depends on your practical responsibility

If breakthrough unlimited is your portion this year then spiritual preparation is the key. My prayer is that as you prepare spiritually this year, no devil can stop you in Jesus name. Jn 4:24 Remember, physical manifestation is a function of the spiritual. The spiritual controls all things. When you prepare yourself spiritually, you take control of the physical.

The word of the Lord says “thou prepareth a table before me even in the presence of my enemies”. A wonderful edifice with a wrong foundation is a corpse in disguise. Build your 2011 with adequate spiritual foundation in the word of God.

Take steps in the declarations that have come fourth. When the angels declared to Mary about the birth of Christ, she took steps. When she visited her cousin Elizabeth, she behaved like a pregnant woman. Declarations without taking steps this year will leave you more confused Zach 4:1-6. What is that mountain before you in this year of Breakthrough Unlimited, by your spiritual preparations I see them destroyed in Jesus name. It is not by your strength nor your planning but by the spirit says the Lord.

What u see in the prophecies that goes ahead of you is a function of your level of spiritual preparation. Immediately prophecies goes out, there are contentions but when you are spiritually loaded your contentions are dismantled Math 3:17, 4:1-8. Declarations and prophecies do not mean that they will not be obstacles even Jesus who is God saw obstacles even after the prophecies went ahead of Him. The Tempter would have succeeded because God and even the angels were not there with Him but because he was prepared spiritually, the Spirit of God in Him confronted the Tempter. Jesus took spiritual responsibility because He prepared Himself spiritually. He would have submitted to the Devil when He took Him to the pinnacle and set Him on high, but he overcame because he knows better than Satan. It is your level of spiritual preparation that will make the devil flee from you and not prophecies. Jesus fasted 40 days and nights to prepare himself adequately. Man’s greatest needs in life are not financial, they are spiritual. When men were in the garden of Eden, he was in command, because he was more spiritual, until he ate the fruits and died spiritually and then evil befell him even to the point of going into hiding.


1.    Math 4:4, Jn 6:63 – The word of God is very vital in spiritual preparation. The word of God is the food of the spirit and if you are not spiritually fed you suffer from spiritual kwashiorkor. Even the tiniest minute preparation in the word of God every morning before you leave for your daily assignments will save you enough stress in life. It costs you much to struggle than to prepare spiritually.

2.    Fasting and Prayer: In fasting and prayer you subdue yourself by not giving your flesh its food but feeding the spirit. The problem of most of us is that we feed our physical body and get fattened but starve the spiritual man, little wonder why the devil kicks them any how.    

  The lord will increase you bountifully this year when you make God’s word the foundation of your breakthrough.